Products and Partners
Austrian recipes - own organic production
We produce our sausages in Herdade do Freixo do Meio, an organic farm in Alentejo.
In the Herdade butchery, only meat from its own production is used. The cattle live in the countryside, in an almost wild environment.
In addition to food processing, at Freixo do Meio they are dedicated to tourist-educational services, environmental services and more. To learn more about the various projects, visit the website.
Why go organic?
Because organic sausages are healthier and taste better!
1. No phosphate: phosphate is a food additive, which represents a health risk, used by the meat industry to increase the water binding capacity. It is used in conventional sausage manufacturing to guarantee the perfect consistency, resulting in the coagulation of meat, water and fat, increase also its water capacity to turn it cheaper.
2. There’s a lot of vitamin C: to achieve the desired consistency we use ascorbic acid instead of phosphate, which is basically pure vitamin C.
3. Less fat: the addition of fat is limited, as the water and fat binding capacity of ascorbic acid is less effective.
4. Better taste: as the addition of water is limited, our organic sausages taste like real meat!
5. Less nitrite pickling salt: the nitrite pickling salt is used to change the colour of sausages and high levels of consumption represent a health risk. Therefore, its use in organic production is very limited.
If you are interested in knowing how sausages are made, you can find out more by talking to us or visiting the Herdade. In the photographs presented here you can already get an idea of the artisanal process.
For all the others, as Bismarck said: "Laws are like sausages, its better not to see them being made..."